The Hardest Fashion Quiz You’ll Ever Take

The truest mark of an online shopping aficionado? Sure, it's knowing about every site's new-merch drop days and memorizing the state of your digital carts at all times. But, we've found that the really obsessed, truly mad among us (Hi! Hello. Join the club!) can immediately tell which retailer a photo came from, based on the style of the picture and the model in it. Just as we made imaginary friends with our favorite models in the Delia's catalog, and cheered on a circa-2010 Nasty Gal model before she blew up in the biz — sometimes the stars of the photos can inspire those "aww, I love that store" feelings better than even the clothing itself. To test whether you're one of us, we put together a little quiz that might end up being one of the hardest fashion tests you've taken. Can you match the image to the brand? Click through below to see how well you know the It Girls of fast fashion.

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