These New Doritos Will Ward Off Vampires This Halloween

In addition to your typical candy staples, you may want to stock up on the newest flavor of Doritos this Halloween. During the month of October in Japan, the company will be selling black garlic chips, Bloody Disgusting reports. In case you had any doubt as to what they were for, there are pictures of a vampire and bats on the package.
After eating these, your breath should ward off any vampires who come your way. And possibly everyone else around you, though there's a quick remedy for that.

Unfortunately, there's no word of this product being sold outside Japan. But they're for sale on JList and, Nerdist points out. Or, if you want to track down someone in Japan to send you some, there's actually an app for that. In the meantime, you can always wear some garlic around your neck. Or at least make sure you only spend time with non-human-eating vampires of the Cullen variety this Halloween.

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