These Are The Issues That Are Really Driving Young Women To The Polls
Last Updated November 7, 2016, 10:00 PM
Millennial women represent 13% of the electorate this cycle, and that's no small thing in a race as tight as this one. With the first female nominee of a major party battling for the White House, and the sexism and misogyny of her rival becoming a major campaign issue, women voters have unique power at the polls this year. And that power isn't lost on them. 78% of millennial women we polled told us that they believed the outcome of this election would directly impact their lives.
But what are the issues driving individual women to vote? We set out to discover just that by hitting the streets of diverse neighborhoods in New York City and asking more than 30 young women what their make-or-break issues were.
Their responses varied: Many women said they cared about issues such as reproductive rights, income inequality, and access to health care. Others said that the biggest motivator to vote on November 8 was to stop Donald Trump from reaching the White House.
Some women told us they felt like they were forced to choose between the lesser of two evils. A few were still debating whether they would even turn up to vote at all.
Ahead, some of the young women we spoke with on the issues that matter to them. Tell us yours in the comments, and most importantly, don't forget to register to vote.
Refinery29 has partnered with more than 50 of the country's biggest women's media brands and political nonprofit Rock The Vote to register 100,000 women to vote. Become a voter today by signing up with #OurVoteCounts at this link.
Refinery29 has partnered with more than 50 of the country's biggest women's media brands and political nonprofit Rock The Vote to register 100,000 women to vote. Become a voter today by signing up with #OurVoteCounts at this link.