Hillary Clinton Just Said Exactly What All Of Us Are Thinking

Throughout this campaign season, Hillary Clinton has thrown out many punchy one-liners. But none have felt as relatable — or made us laugh as hard — as her words today during a San Francisco fundraiser. Because just like us, sometimes Clinton, too, wants to just stop reading the news. And sometimes, CNN reported, she wants to "unplug the internet." And when she has to keep the internet on, there can only be one source of relief: cat GIFs.
"Over the last few weeks, I've watched a lot of cats do a lot of weird and interesting things," Clinton was recorded saying. Her words hit deep. And they inspired individuals everywhere to take to Twitter to help Clinton in a way that didn't involve contributing money or signing petitions.
You can read the full context of Clinton's words, captured by CNN political producer Dan Merica, below. Then, do as Clinton does: Cure your election pain with some dang cute kitties.

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