Why These Major Porn Sites Are Blocking Users In California

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California wants to require adult film actors to use condoms, and porn companies aren't happy. Vocativ reports that Proposition 60 mandates condoms must be used in adult films, so companies like Vivid Video, Evil Angel, Kink, Pink & White Productions, and Treasure Island Media are protesting. In-state users wishing to peruse the websites are instead met with messages encouraging them to vote no on Prop 60, sometimes warning that the passing of the bill could result in their porn being taken away entirely. While on the surface encouraging use of condoms sounds smart, California porn actors and companies argue that it violates performer choice and will instead push production underground, making it less safe. In addition, the bill allows any resident of the state to sue producers and distributors of condomless porn. The companies believe this opens the floodgates for everyday citizens to stalk, harass, and violate the privacy of actors. This shutdown isn't the only way companies are fighting back. Around 100 performers protested outside the Los Angeles headquarters of the Yes on 60 Campaign on Monday in order to raise awareness. “Prop 60 isn’t a public health measure, it’s a public harassment measure for adult performers," Mike Stabile, Kink’s spokesperson, told Vocativ. "If we have to block access to California in order to protect the performers who work with us, that’s what we’ll do. And should this initiative pass, it’s something we’ll be looking at doing in California on a permanent basis after November 8." While it's no question that safety is the primary concern for both parties, California residents are encouraged to vote.

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