Piers Morgan Is Actually Trying To Blame Kim For Kanye’s Hospitalization

Photo: Ken McKay/ITV/REX/Shutterstock.
Many people are concerned about Kanye West at the moment, but the one I'm worried about is Piers Morgan. The man seems perpetually compelled to give his unsolicited opinions on matters that have nothing to do with him: Emily Ratajkowski's nude photos, Beyoncé's Lemonade, and Taylor Swift's appearance among them. Now, given that Kanye West was hospitalized less than 24 hours ago, Morgan cringe-worthy take is right on time. And, appallingly but unsurprisingly, the pundit has managed to implicate frequent target Kim Kardashian in his mansplanation of the rapper's present situation.
During Tuesday morning's episode of Good Morning Britain, Morgan and his co-host Susanna Reid discussed the news of Kanye's hospitalization on Monday afternoon, following several days of erratic behavior and canceling the remainder of his Life of Pablo Tour. While the not-unlikely collective assumption seems to be that Kanye is seeking treatment for mental health issues — reports cite stress and exhaustion — we don't actually know what landed the rapper in the hospital. But don't worry, because Piers Morgan does!
Basically, Morgan's explanation is that Kim has lured Kanye into her evil whirlpool of Twitter followers and TV ratings. "It's sad. I've met Kanye a couple of times, he's incredibly smart, bright, different, incredibly talented guy and a brilliant musician," Morgan said, according to The Mirror. (Here, I must point out that it's hard to believe Morgan's adoration of Kanye is even genuine, given that earlier this year, he called the musician an "offensive, misogynist brat" and ripped his "Famous" video. A convenient change of heart, no?) He continued, "Yet he was sucked into this vortex of the Kardashian reality television and now look — he's in a hospital in Los Angeles and he's in a terrible state." Morgan added, "I feel sorry for him."
Blaming a man's wife for his suffering — really? How backward and antiquated can one's idea of marriage be? This is 2016, and it's no secret that Kanye is very much his own person capable of making his own choices (as is Kim). To somehow pinpoint his wife as the reason he is suffering is a stubborn vestige of plain old sexism. And, of course, Morgan's insulting and misguided comments are made even more ludicrous by the fact that Kanye has always been someone who seems to do whatever the fuck he wants, more or less. But somehow Kim has caught him in her web of craziness. This isn't the first time Morgan has gone after Kardashian, of course; he takes issue with her nude selfies and the notion that anyone could see her as a figure of female empowerment.
No doubt, Morgan will continue to stick his unwelcome (white, male) nose into pop culture narratives outside his purview, peddling his misogynistic and judgmental views. But that doesn't mean it should be normalized or brushed over. And I plan to continue to make a big stink about it every damn time, because words are powerful. Here are a few: Leave Kim and Kanye alone. And pardon my bluntness, but please shut up sir.

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