21 Women On The Biggest Purchase They Made In 2016 — & Whether They Regret It

Illustrated by Louisa Cannell.
For our Money Diaries series, millennial women across the country let us look at a week of how they spend money. For the end of 2016, we wanted to go a little bigger. Rather than just asking women what a normal week of purchases looks like, we were curious about the not-so-normal. Namely, what was their biggest purchase of the past year?
From houses to grad school to designer purses, we got 21 women to get honest about their big-ticket item of the past 12 months. They let us know why and how they bought it — and if they have any buyer's remorse. Interestingly, the largest purchases weren't necessarily from the highest earners. Another trend? Whether or not someone went into debt to afford the new piece of furniture or tickets to Hamilton had less to do with current earnings and more to do with past savings.
Click through to see all 21 purchases — from $250 all the way to $250,000.

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