Your January Horoscope, Revealed

Illustrated by Alia Penner.<br>Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
It's a brand-new year — and while we're not saying everything will magically improve, 2017's stars are a lot less complicated than 2016's. January is a month that will be both motivating and meditative, so no need to rush head-first into resolution-making. While the sun spends time in ambitious, career-focused Capricorn until the 19th, Mercury will be retrograde through the 8th. The messenger planet's backspin is not a great time for sealing deals or even making fixed plans. Instead, use the first week of the month to organize and complete all those outstanding tasks from 2016.
From January 3 to 29, planetary playmates Venus and Mars will flow together through poetic, romantic Pisces. This soulful cycle will set the stage for some serious creativity. Get that yoga practice going or set up your bedroom for better dreamtime — and other things! Pisces is the sign that rules fantasy and the Mars-Venus merger could bring some fairy-tale highs for us all. Just be careful when rocking the rose-colored glasses. This sweet escape could also mean overlooking some unsavory traits — or even checking out when we need to be paying attention to things, like, say, the current political climate.
On the 12th, the first full moon of the year falls in sentimental Cancer. Home and family matters — and even issues of homeland security — will be on everyone's mind. This full moon will arrive at a tricky formation (called a Cardinal Cross by astrologers). Emotional issues could arise that need to be dealt with. Cancer is the sign that rules women's issues and this full moon could sound the call for feminist activism around the globe. #HearUsRoar
The sun flows into "one love" Aquarius for a month on the 19th. And on the 27th, there will also be a new moon in this sign. Unity in the community is the name of the game once again. Drop the competitive vibes and come together to collaborate.


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