31 Ways To Save Big Money Every Day In January

Illustrated by Louisa Cannell.
Saving money is like flossing. We all know we should be doing it, but it's just as easy not to. And, like flossing, it has serious benefits, both long and short term. Think of good breath as your short-term savings fund, and the long-term benefits of life-long dental care as a future house and healthy 401(k).
Okay, we've pushed the tooth metaphor a bit too far, but, in all seriousness, good savings habits are an excellent New Year's resolution, one that it literally pays to keep. Ahead, we've rounded up 31 tips to help you do just that, starting now, and at any budget — one for each day of the month. At the end of January, you might find some tips are worth doing for the rest of the year.
We're not suggesting you save just for savings sake — have a goal in mind before you start making these small (and big) changes in your life. Maybe you want to have a fully-funded emergency fund. Maybe you want to take an amazing trip to Paris next Christmas. These goals are totally achievable, and often times it just takes a few small tweaks to save big.
Take a second to imagine your savings goals, then click through for all our tips. It's time to start saving — big.

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