The First Full Moon Of The Year Is Coming — Are You Ready?

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Regardless of the month or time of year, the full moon represents a fresh start. During this lunar phase, you're encouraged to reflect, recharge, and reassess where you are in life. The full moon of January, known as the Wolf Moon, the Hunger Moon, and the Cold Moon, is a particularly advantageous opportunity to reset. This isn't just a chance to prepare for a new month — this is your chance to reflect upon the new year. The full moon will crest this Thursday, January 12, at 6:34 a.m. EST. Nature-based faiths believe that January's overall vibe — cold, dark, unforgiving — reaches its peak at this time of the month. This might not seem like a particularly festive time, but you can observe the full moon from under your electric blanket. As we've discussed previously, full moon rituals center around self-care and work on the inner self — which you can do while staying safely hunkered down, in the comfort of your home. Spend the night journaling, meditating, or just pampering yourself. You have the rest of January and February (and, if we're being real about winter, at least part of March) to Netflix and chill. Even if you're completely over New Year's resolutions at this point (and, honestly, who isn't?) we still recommend using January's full moon to set intentions for the coming year. Rather than challenging yourself to change dramatically at the drop of a hat, consider where you wished to improve last year but never had the time or energy to. This is why the full moon is referred to as the Hunger Moon — ask yourself what you craved in 2016 but never found or accomplished. Once you've determined what you want most this year, start planning how to go about getting it. Maybe that means taking more time for your personal life or putting out feelers for new job prospects. Whatever your goals are, you can resolve to reach them in 2017 without going to extremes. Taking the time to reflect on the past year, under the clear light of the moon, is sure to illuminate what your next move should be. RELATED:
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