Sesame Street Cast Offers Oscar Picks

As we burble into awards season like a primordial swamp ooze, Sesame Street has offered some predictions. Elmo, Grover, and Cookie Monster joined HLN's Michaela Pereira for a truly strange two-minute segment in which they choose their favorite movies. The assumptions at play here are truly astonishing. First, that Sesame Street has Oscars predictions. Second, that those predictions are deserving of air time on CNN. Third, that these predictions might offer insight. I guess if you just don't watch cable news for a while you forget how truly strange it is. My own personal TV news viewing habits are pretty much restricted to election night and when I forget to turn off the TV after a football game, so this sort of thing is surprising. Is it common? Who cares. Elmo likes La La Land, by the way. La La Land is a bad movie with good actors and a very interesting director that rides a non-interesting premise directly into the ground. The opening freeway sequence is terrible, reedy, and somehow manages to avoid introducing us to our main characters until the final second. Things only go downhill from there. Fitting that a literal puppet would cop to loving the movie. Check out the rest of their predictions below.

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