How Businesses Are Reacting To Trump’s Immigrant Ban

Photo: Courtesy of Amazon.
Businesses around the country are reacting to the news of the travel ban for refugees and citizens of seven Muslim countries.
Tech companies, like Google and Apple, voiced concerns for current and future employees. Many tech companies rely on global talent to fuel the constant need for innovation. Restrictions such as those in the travel ban could operate to restrict travel for today's employees but also for potential candidates and global partners.
"We are a nation of immigrants, and we all benefit when the best and brightest from around the world can live, work and contribute here," Mark Zuckerberg wrote in a Facebook post.

Silicon Valley
wasn't the only place where companies and business groups reacted. In New York City, the NY Taxi Workers Alliance issued a statement denouncing the travel ban. Going one step further, members of the Alliance participated in the demonstration that took place at New York's JFK Airport. The taxi drivers refused to service the airport during the demonstration.
"Our 19,000-member-strong union stands firmly opposed to Donald Trump's Muslim ban," the NY Taxi Workers' Alliance posted. "As an organization whose membership is largely Muslim, a workforce that's almost universally immigrant, and a working-class movement that is rooted in the defense of the oppressed, we say no to this inhumane and unconstitutional ban."
The instant and immediate response from so many diverse companies (and so many competitors) send a strong message to both consumers and the Trump administration alike.

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