National Security Advisor Michael Flynn Resigns After Russia Revelations

National Security Advisor Michael Flynn resigned his post late Monday evening following revelations that he misled Vice President Mike Pence and made false public statements about his conversations with the Russian ambassador. Flynn reportedly told Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak that sanctions could be eased by the incoming administration. The conversation in question is connected to reports that Russia may have hacked the DNC and the Clinton campaign to push the election towards Trump. There are also reports that the explosive dossier alleging that Russia may have compromised Trump has in part been confirmed by intelligence officials. Flynn's resignation, less than a month into the new administration, is extraordinary in modern history for its speed. Just hours ago, reports surfaced that then-acting Attorney General Sally Q. Yates informed the Trump administration she had grave concerns that Flynn could be vulnerable to Russian blackmail, the Washington Post reports. The blackmail risk may have been that the Russian government knew that Flynn had discussed sanctions, and would be able to manipulate him using that knowledge, according to the New York Times.

Early reports
indicate that Trump may replace Flynn with one of retired General Keith Kellogg, disgraced former General David Petraeus, or former CENTCOM Deputy Commander Bob Harward. Petraeus fed classified material to his former mistress and then-biographer just before taking over as Director of the CIA. Kellogg will act as National Security Advisor until a replacement is selected and confirmed. Read Flynn's full resignation letter below.

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