What Would “A Day Without Immigrants” Actually Look Like?

Photo: Darren Hauck/Getty Images.
This Thursday, February 16, people in Washington, D.C., may start to understand the real meaning of "Immigrants: We get the job done."

The Washingtonian reports that restaurants in D.C. are preparing for "A Day Without Immigrants," a strike aimed as showing this community's economic power and protesting President Trump's immigration policies. A similar protest was held in Milwaukee on Monday. Thousands joined the "A Day Without Latinos" strike, marching through the city and calling for Trump to end his crackdown on the undocumented community.

According to the Washingtonian, the campaign has been spread through social media, flyers, and word of mouth. It's unclear how many people actually plan to participate in the strike. "One of our delivery men who’s Latino told our kitchen about it, and then it started spreading from there," Rose Previte, owner of the D.C.-based Compass Rose restaurant, told the Washingtonian.

Everyone in the kitchen staff, except the chef and one line cook, is an immigrant. All of them asked if they could participate in the strike. "My staff was like, ‘We feel this is something we have to do,’" she said. "They felt really strongly about it. I was like, 'Okay, absolutely.'" Previte said her restaurant is now preparing for limited deliveries, because many of the drivers are immigrants and are expected to participate in the strike. "We’re just going to go with what we have that day and tell customers, ‘This is what happens when immigrants don’t come to work,'” Previte said.

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