The Secret Sunday Food Prep Tips Of Celeb Chefs

What is Sunday for (besides, of course, brunch)? It's supposed to be a day of rest, but, with a little planning, your Sunday can transform into a day of prep. A little bit of shopping, chopping, and simmering then can make the rest of your week's meals a breeze.
Of course, being a master prepper sounds appealing, but we're always looking for ways to improve. And who better to go to for advice than our favorite chefs? Running a restaurant, hosting a TV show, or writing a cookbook (or doing all three at once) doesn't leave much time for elaborate meals day-to-day. And, just like us, they want easy meals that are low on prep time and big on flavor. Unlike us, they have the culinary chops to get there.
Ahead, 10 of our favorite cooks tell us how they actually prep for their busy weeks. With their handy tips, you too can eat like a celeb chef, every meal of the week.

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