This Boy With Autism Had The Best Time At The Grocery Store

February 17 is Random Acts Of Kindness Day, so we can think of no better time to share the story of a grocery store cashier who recently made a little boy with autism's day.
Emma Passmore and her son went to a Tesco grocery store in the UK on Valentine's Day to do some grocery shopping, she wrote in a post on Facebook. Passmore chose to go shopping at 8:30 PM in hopes that the store would have fewer distractions for her son, who has difficulty with sensory overload.
"Our son is autistic and suffers from sensory processing disorder making shopping almost impossible," she wrote.
Her son wore his (completely awesome) Spider-Man pajamas to the store and did well with shopping until they got to checkout when he started to act up, Passmore wrote. So the cashier, a woman named Carole, asked him to help her scan the groceries.
"Usually he hates strangers but he took a real liking to her and got up with her and helped her scan all our £270 ($335) shop," Passmore wrote. It was so fun, in fact, that he didn't want to leave.
Afterward, Passmore took to Facebook to post about the experience and tagged the Tesco page to thank Carole for her kindness. As of writing, the post has 1,400 reactions and 116 shares.
And rest assured that Carole knows just how appreciated her simple act of kindness was. People who know her have seen the post and made sure to tag her page.
Here's hoping Carole's story inspires others to participate in a random act of kindness — it certainly inspires us.

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