This Sinkhole Shows That Celebs Freaking Out About The Rain In L.A. Were Right

Photo: Ringo H.W. Chiu/AP Images.
The strongest storm to descend upon Southern California in years hit Los Angeles this weekend, and along with it came a veritable cavalcade of celebrity reactions on social media. Many, like Chloë Grace Moretz, posted screenshots of flash flood warnings. Some, like John Mayer, chose to wax poetic, taking to Twitter to describe the storm as "whodunit mystery rain."
Others, like Mandy Moore, shared their experiences navigating the downpour on Instagram stories: "I think it's really brave of us to be out today, guys," the This Is Us star declared while driving through the soaked city with friends and coworkers. While it's tempting to dismiss these social media postings as the overdramatic declarations of pampered celebrities — or pampered Californians, who remain blissfully unaccustomed to the rain and snow that can plague the rest of the country this time of year — it turns out that this time, the weather warranted the reaction. The torrential rain led to a 20-foot sinkhole opening up off Laurel Canyon Boulevard in the Studio City area of Los Angeles last night, reports the LA Times. The sinkhole swallowed two cars hole. One fell upside down into the rushing water, leaving its occupant, a 48-year-old woman, standing on the car roof about 10 feet below street level when firefighters arrived to rescue her. The driver of the other car luckily escaped his vehicle uninjured before it fell into the surprise abyss.
Point, Californians: The threat is real.

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