How To Make The Most Of This Month's Full Moon

Photo: Chad Stencel/EyeEm/Getty Images.
The final full moon of winter 2017 will reach its crest at 10:54 a.m. EST this Sunday, March 12. This lunar event arrives only a week before the spring equinox and, quite appropriately, represents nature's inevitable rebirth after the dark winter months.
The Native American name for this full moon, the Worm Moon, alludes to the earthworms that emerge from the softening ground at this time of year. Meanwhile, many sects of Paganism refer to this moon as the Storm Moon, which may have contributed to the old wives' tale that March "comes in like a lion and out like a lamb."
There are plenty of names to choose from for this moon (it's even known as the Lenten Moon in Christianity), but they all speak to how you should celebrate this time of year: start anew.
Last month we told you to prepare for the changes that come with spring. Well, spring is just about here — it's time to put those plans into action. Tackle your workplace to-do lists with renewed energy, give that new dating app a try, and finally clean out your closet. This season puts everyone in a clean slate state of mind, and this weekend is your opportunity to get a head start on that feeling.
Of course, a fresh start can be just as intimidating as it is enticing. Don't feel like you need to change everything all at once. Think about the areas of your life that you'd most like to improve, then proceed slowly. If change numbers among your biggest phobias, remember that you have all of spring ahead of you.
Whether you attack your spring fever with the liveliness of a March storm or take things inch by inch like a little worm, this weekend is a fantastic time to tend to the plans you laid out over February's full moon. We suggest you start your full moon reflection with this simple question: How did you go into this month and how do you want to go out of it?

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