Melissa McCarthy Ready To Take On Spicer Again: "I Just Squirrel Away Notes"

Photo: Will Heath/NBC
Melissa McCarthy isn't done with Sean Spicer by a damn sight. SNL may be on hiatus until April 8, but McCarthy is still keeping a close eye on her most famous impression subject. That includes daily viewings of his press conferences.
“I have yet to see today’s,” McCarthy told USA Today on Monday. “I’ll see that later. Was it very clear and on point?” she joked.
Spicer has come under more criticism than ever of late. CNN wrote that the embattled press secretary "has lost his credibility." One White House correspondent likened him to Baghdad Bob. Yesterday, Vanity Fair catalogued his four largest whoppers from a press conference that was honestly psychedelic in its treatment of the truth. The New Yorker asked if Trump was trolling the press corps through his Spicer-sized mouthpiece.
For now, McCarthy bides her time.
“I’m just watching and observing,” she tells USA Today. “I [hope] for everyone to have clarity and better things to say. And in the meantime, I just squirrel away notes.”
We can't wait.

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