Emma Roberts Started A Book Club & You're Invited

Not to be outdone by the amazing literary pairing of Chrissy Teigen and Kim Kardashian, who apparently started a book club last month, Emma Roberts has joined forces with her pal Karah Preiss to launch their own.
It's called Belletrist, which means "writer of belles lettres" and is already the name of a pretty cool literary magazine. Presumably the book club name is a reference to the "light, entertaining, and often sophisticated literature" that Roberts and Preiss plan to read — although I suppose HelloGiggles' hypothesis that it's a nod to the Harry Potter character Bellatrix is not totally out of left field.
Roberts posted on Instagram today to announce the club's inception:
"I'm so excited to finally share @belletrist with you! You guys know I love to read. I'm constantly posting what I'm reading and wanting to know what you're reading! So @kpreiss and I thought why not start a #bookclub where we can all read and discuss together in one place? Come read with us @belletrist #belletristbabe."
The Belletrist Instagram account already has 18K followers and 12 posts that showcase a variety of aesthetic bookspiration, from bookstore pics to a Joan Didion portrait to a library that's fully decked out in millennial pink. Pretty impressive for one day on the job.
As for the first reading recs? Dee Wells and Tennessee Williams. Well, that's all the motivation I need to join — especially considering the Kardashian-Teigen club's first read is a book with a self-proclaimed " bring to its reader the powerful message of God's unconditional and eternal love for them." I mean, sure. Or I could just join Roberts & co. and read Williams' Moise and the World of Reason, "an erotic, sensual, and comic novel that was a generation ahead of its time." Same-same.
The solid literary choices are really no surprise, though, considering Roberts' epic summer reading list from last year. Keats and Proust and Camus on the beach? Don't mind if I do.

vintage covers and #recommendedreading from #belletristbabe + author @smdanler ???

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