There Are 4 Retrogrades This Month — Are We All Doomed?

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When April started, the Astrotwins made one thing perfectly clear: We are in for a world of retrogrades, stargazers. To be exact, there are four in the pipeline this month (Venus, Saturn, Mercury, and Pluto). That may sound overwhelming, but it is possible to parse them out, starting with what it means in general when these planets enter retrograde.
Okay, take a deep breath. Now let's break down these retrogrades.
To begin, we are already in the midst of a Venus retrograde. The love planet will turn direct on April 15, but until then, beware of old flames coming out of the woodwork and guard your heart.
The next planet to turn retrograde will be Saturn this Thursday, April 6, and even your best-laid plans might be thrown into peril. The key here will be to proceed with care at about half the speed you normally would. You can still chase your ambitions under this retrograde, but you might save the biggest risks for after August 25, when Saturn goes direct once more.
And Mercury won't be far behind, as it enters retrograde on April 9. No matter how you approach a Mercury backspin, it's always a safe bet to choose your words wisely during this period of miscommunication and faux pas. Luckily, we'll give this retrograde the slip next month when Mercury goes direct on May 3.
Last but not least, Pluto, the most mysterious of our celestial bodies, will enter retrograde on April 20. Although your everyday routine won't be thrown off due to this retrograde, you may find yourself in a pensive mood because of it. Pluto retrogrades encourage us to reflect on sources of control in our lives. This can actually be an opportunity for empowerment if you've felt asleep at the wheel lately.
We know — that was a lot to process. Perhaps it would be easier if you could pick just one retrograde to focus on during the mad month of April? Ahead, with the help of the Astrotwins, we suggest which retrograde each sign should pay the closest attention to this month. That doesn't mean you won't feel the effects of the other three, but amidst all of this activity, we can use all the guidance we can get.

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