This Love Actually Star Actually Wants His Movie Line On His Tombstone

The debate swirling around Love Actually is about as contentious as Clinton-Trump, or Frost-Nixon, or Lincoln-Douglas, or Roadrunner-Coyote. Is it good? Is it bad? Is it problematic? We literally have no idea. The public opinion around the movie shifts like sand through an hourglass, marking time as the world moves around its glassy borders.
What is good, and we will brook no debate, is this line from Bill Nighy. His Billy Mac character was the beating heart of the movie in desperate need of one.
Here's the line.
And Nighy apparently agrees with us, because he wants the line on his tombstone. He was speaking to comedian Peter Helliar when he said that he gets the request often.
"When I die, if I get an epitaph, it will read: 'Hey, kids, don't buy drugs—become a rock star and people give you them for free!'"
That's quite something. The best-ever fake movie epitaph is, of course, the one at the end of The Royal Tenenbaums, when we see that Royal's tombstone gets a little creative with how he met his demise.
The Love Actually sequel will be coming soon.

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