This Swimsuit Designer's Comments About Amy Schumer Are SO Disappointing

Photo: Kevin Mazure/WireImage.
Another week, another chance for someone to get it completely wrong when it comes to body positivity. This time it was a swimwear designer from Massachusetts who set off a social media firestorm with her comment on InStyle Magazine's Instagram post of their May cover featuring Amy Schumer lounging in the pool. The Huffington Post caught up with designer Dana Duggan and asked her about her comment on the post. Duggan (posting from the "southshoreswimwear" account, which is now private) wrote: "Come on now! You could not find anyone better for this cover? Not everyone should be in a swimsuit." Needless to say, the Internet responded swiftly, calling Duggan out. "Well wtf are we supposed to wear in the ocean or pool?" one such commenter wrote. "Please do tell, cause last I checked, swimsuits were just that SWIMsuits, not to look hot in for the "perfect" body!
Duggan didn't back away from her comment when she spoke to The Huffington Post. Instead, she, astonishingly, doubled down. "I’m tired of the media and publications trying to push the FAT agenda," she said. "It’s not healthy and it’s not pretty."
Seriously? Let's get this straight. Weight and health are not the same things. That Instagram commenter who clapped back has the right idea: Bathing suit bodies are everyone's body. If you have a body, you have a beach body.
Last month we talked about how everyone needs to stop talking about Lena Dunham's weight. This isn't just a women's issue. Just last week, we talked about Howard Stern's body shaming of Russell Crowe.
Amy Schumer clearly had a blast during her InStyle photo shoot. Her quote from the cover says it all, "I was always really confident." No time for haters in or out of the pool
So, instead of worrying about someone's wrong-headed comment, let's watch Schumer cannonball into the pool instead.

When the shoot is over, cannonballs are a must. @amyschumer ?#BTS

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