Google is making a play at becoming your go-to personal stylist. Today, the search engine is updating Image Search with a fashionable component, "Style Ideas," a selection of street style photos that look like they could have been pulled from a magazine.
If you know the specific accessory you're looking for, you can type in the brand name. Otherwise, search for a general article of clothing. When you scroll down, you'll see inspirational "style ideas" and an expanded version of the "similar items" grid that was there previously. "Similar items" will now include retail items that are conveniently listed with prices.
Google algorithmically ranks those "style ideas" and "similar items" based on the type of product, a site's authority, and the image's completeness. When looking at how someone else has styled a bag, it's always better to see the full photo — boots, earrings, and all — than one that's zoomed in close on the bag.
For now, "style ideas" will only be available on mobile. If you have an android phone, you can view them in the Google Search app, Safari, or Chrome. For iPhone users, you'll need to search via Safari or Chrome.
Okay Google, help me get dressed.