A Timeline Of All The Horrible Allegations Against Fox News

Since news broke of sexual harassment allegations against former CEO Roger Ailes last summer, Fox News has faced a constant PR nightmare. Three top employees, including Ailes, have left the network, and the allegations against the company's culture now include racial discrimination as well as sexual misconduct. This extended scandal gets more complicated each day, so we created a timeline of the Fox News allegations to help keep it all straight.
Since it's confusing just trying to remember which old white man is which, let's first walk through who each name is. Ailes, founder and former chairman and CEO of Fox, was one of the most powerful men in media before his downfall. He worked as a media consultant for Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and George H. W. Bush, as well as advised Donald Trump during debate season. Bill O'Reilly hosted The O'Reilly Factor, which was the network's most popular show until it shuttered, bringing in about $200 million in ad revenue each year.
The second Bill to fall, Bill Shine, was a co-president at Fox and an ally of Ailes. Shine remaining at Fox after Ailes was ousted was seen by some as a signal that not much was changing at the network, and after Shine left, another executive close to Ailes was promoted.
Now, here's a full timeline of the allegations against Fox News.

2004: The First Known Claim Against O'Reilly

A producer on O'Reilly's show, Andrea Mackris, accused him of sexual harassment in a lawsuit after he sued her for allegedly trying to extort $60 million from him and Fox. Among her various claims, Mackris alleged O'Reilly sounded like he was masturbating when he called her, The Times reported. A public relations firm was brought in to portray Mackris in a bad light, but O’Reilly eventually paid her about $9 million after weeks of bad press.

2014: Allegations Against Ailes Begin

Gabriel Sherman's biography of Ailes, The Loudest Voice in the Room, mentioned stories of women claiming the media exec had sexually harassed them. However, not much came of the stories until later.

July 6, 2016: Gretchen Carlson's Lawsuit

The former Fox News anchor filed a lawsuit accusing Ailes of sexual harassment and claiming her former co-host, Steve Doocy, treated her in a "sexist and condescending" way after her contract with the network wasn't renewed. "Ailes has unlawfully retaliated against Carlson and sabotaged her career because she refused his sexual advances and complained about severe and pervasive sexual harassment," her official complaint read.

July 9, 2016: Six More Women Accuse Ailes

Gabriel Sherman reported for New York magazine that six more women described sexual harassment claims against Ailes, and more than a dozen women reportedly contacted Carlson's lawyer with similar allegations. The stories dated back to the 196os, but Ailes denied any wrongdoing.

July 21, 2016: Ailes Resigns

21st Century Fox confirmed Ailes had resigned. Rupert Murdoch, executive chairman of 21st Century Fox, took over as chairman and acting CEO of the network, and Ailes received $40 million to step down.

November 15, 2016: Megyn Kelly's Memoir Details Harassment

Kelly's memoir, Settle for More, came out, describing for the first time the sexual harassment she allegedly experienced from Ailes while at Fox News. She described one alleged encounter, writing, "Roger called me up to New York and we had a shocking exchange. I was nervous about going into his office, concerned he might start in again. Sure enough he did. And then he crossed a new line — trying to grab me repeatedly and kiss me on the lips."

January 10, 2017: Another O'Reilly Settlement Surfaces

The New York Times reported that Fox News reached a settlement with on-air personality Juliet Huddy, who claimed O'Reilly sexually harassed her back in 2011 and then tried to damage her career when she refused his advances.

March 28, 2017: Racial Discrimination Claims

Two Black women who worked in the payroll department alleged in a lawsuit that they experienced “top-down racial harassment” stemming from comptroller Judith Slater (who Fox said was fired the month before, when executives learned of allegations against her).

April 1, 2017: A Damning O'Reilly Investigation

A New York Times report revealed that at least five women, including Huddy and Mackris, received money from O'Reilly or 21st Century Fox to not go public with their allegations of sexual harassment (or pursue legal recourse). The private settlements dated from 2002 to 2016, and according to The Times, the five women collectively received $13 million (at least $9 million of which came from O'Reilly himself). O'Reilly denied all allegations against him.

April 3, 2017: Another Lawsuit Against Ailes & Fox

Fox News contributor Julie Roginsky filed a lawsuit accusing Ailes of sexual harassment and subsequently retaliating against her when she refused a sexual relationship with him. Her lawsuit named Shine, as well, claiming he "aided and abetted the discrimination" by "failing to take reasonable measures to protect Roginsky from, and condoning, the unlawful conduct."

April 19, 2017: O'Reilly Steps Down

The company announced O'Reilly wouldn't return to work, writing that he and Fox "agreed" on his departure — and praising his extensive career.

April 21, 2017: Sean Hannity Is Accused Of Similar Behavior

Former Fox guest Debbie Schlussel claimed in an interview that the host of Hannity previously invited her back to his hotel room after an event they both attended in Detroit. She claimed he never invited her back to his show after she turned him down. "This kind of stuff is all over the place at Fox News and anything that has to do with Sean Hannity,” Schlussel told radio host Pat Campbell.
Hannity denied the allegations, but The Daily Beast reported he might leave Fox, too.

April 25, 2017: Racial Discrimination Claims

Stemming from the initial racial discrimination lawsuit filed in March, a total of eleven current and former employees filed a class-action lawsuit alleging years of discrimination. The same day, another person filed a separate lawsuit alleging racial discrimination, and another filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Every claim named Slater, according to The Washington Post, and alleged top executives knew of the misconduct.

May 1, 2017: Shine Resigns

Fox News announced Shine had resigned and would leave within a few weeks. Along with Roginsky, other women also alleged he knew about sexual harassment and misconduct at the company and did nothing about it.
The same day, Diana Falzone claimed in a new lawsuit that she wasn't allowed to appear on Fox News after writing an op-ed about having endometriosis and being infertile.

May 4, 2017: Lawsuit

Jessica Golloher, a former Fox News radio reporter filed a lawsuit alleging she experienced gender discrimination at the network. According to Golloher, Fox's human resources emailed employees encouraging them to contact someone with any complaints, but when Golloher emailed one of the lawyers listed about her allegations of gender bias, she was informed her position was being cut due to the budget. Fox News said her claims are "without merit."
Needless to say, it's been a tumultuous ride. As all the current lawsuits play out, there's sure to be more news involving allegations against Fox, as well as criticism that not enough is being done to change the company's culture.

June 19, 2017: New York State Division On Human Rights Investigate Complaints

Civil rights attorney Lisa Bloom said the New York State Division on Human Rights is investigating her complaint of alleged sexual harassment and discrimination at Fox News. Bloom represents Wendy Walsh, who has accused O'Reilly of harassment, and asked the human rights division to subpoena Fox's confidential settlement agreements and conduct interviews regarding the alleged misconduct.

July 3, 2017: Fox Sports President Is Fired

The president of Fox Sports, a programming unit of the Fox Broadcasting Company based in Los Angeles, was fired amid allegations of sexual harassment. The Los Angeles Times reported that Jamie Horowitz was dismissed a week after the company began a sexual harassment probe. Several women were interviewed about the top executive's behavior, who had been on the job for two years.
Sports Illustrated reported that a Fox Sports' production assistant told human resources that Horowitz had once tried to kiss her at an offsite location.
"I have been working in sports for a long time, and no one has ever been that bold with me," the woman, who requested anonymity, told the magazine. "I saw him at Fox one day, and he said he wanted to catch up. He said we could meet up to talk. The hook was that he could get me more work. Fox HR called me last week. They asked about what had happened. I gave some details and then called back and gave more details. To Fox’s credit they handled it quickly and really pro-active. They went out of their way to contact me."
Horowitz's attorney, Patricia L. Glaser, denied any type of misconduct had taken place.

July 7, 2017: Fox Business Host Is Suspended

Charles Payne, a Fox Business Network host, has been suspended amid an investigation into sexual harassment allegations against him.
The woman bringing the allegations contacted Fox’s law firm Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison in June to report a pattern of sexual misconduct, the Los Angeles Times reported. (Neither the Times nor Refinery29 is naming the woman due to the nature of the allegations.)
On Wednesday, Payne admitted to an extramarital affair with the woman in an interview with The National Enquirer, describing it as a "romantic relationship." However, the woman says she was coerced into having a sexual relationship with the host and believes she was "blackballed" from the network when she ended the affair.
A Fox Business Network spokesperson said in a statement, "We take issues of this nature extremely seriously and have a zero-tolerance policy for any professional misconduct. This matter is being thoroughly investigated and we are taking all of the appropriate steps to reach a resolution in a timely manner."
Payne's attorney, Neal Korval, denies any type of sexual harassment took place.

September 8, 2017: Another Host Leaves Fox

Fox News announced it will part ways with Eric Bolling, co-host of Fox News Specialists, amid allegations that he harassed coworkers. HuffPost reported in August that Bolling sent inappropriate messages to female colleagues. He has denied the claims.
“Eric Bolling and Fox have agreed to part ways amicably,” the network said in a statement. “We thank Eric for his ten years of service to our loyal viewers and wish him the best of luck.”
This story was originally on May 2, 2017.
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