How To Fight The Republican Health Care Bill Before It Goes To The Senate

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After an initial failure, the House of Representatives passed the GOP's health care bill that would repeal and replace Obamacare Thursday. The bill will go to the Senate next, where Republicans also want to get rid of Obama's health care reform, but exactly what will happen on the Senate floor is unclear. If you oppose Republicans' American Health Care Act (AHCA), there are a few ways you can fight the Republican health care bill before it goes to the Senate.
If AHCA becomes law, it's estimated that 24 million Americans will lose insurance in the next decade. Revoking many protections put in place by Obamacare, the Republican bill would allow states with federal waivers to charge people with pre-existing conditions more for insurance and eliminate coverage for essential health benefits.
Sexual assault, domestic violence, and C-sections would be considered "pre-existing conditions," and therefore survivors and new moms could face extremely high insurance premiums. Women with the "pre-existing condition" of being pregnant could see premiums increase by as much as $17,000, according to the Center for American Progress. And essential health benefits that could disappear in some states (keyword here being "essential") include hospitalization, mental health services, prescription drugs, preventative care, and pregnancy, maternity, and newborn care.
Here's how you can take action to keep AHCA from becoming law.

Call/Email/Tweet Your Senators

Every state has two senators, and you can contact both representatives from your state. All you have to do is dial a phone number and state your name and that you want your senator to oppose the AHCA. Seriously, that's it.
If you're less inclined to talk on the phone, you can also send a quick email or tweet.
We even have a handy tool at the bottom of the page to tell you who your representatives are and how to contact them. (Just be sure to focus on senators, since the bill already passed in the House.) Contacting your representatives is one of the easiest ways to take a stand, so what's stopping you?

Donate To Organizations Fighting It

Organizations such as Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America have continuously fought the Republican health care bill since its inception (if you've seen either of their Twitter accounts, you know they're serious about keeping this bill from becoming a reality). Anything you can donate to these groups will help them keep up the fight opposing the AHCA and advocating for accessible health care for all Americans.

Join Rallies In Washington, D.C.

Protestors gathered outside the Capitol Thursday as the House voted on the Republican health care bill, and the same is sure to happen when the Senate votes. It's likely the Senate will make changes to the bill before voting, but keep an eye out for when the bill goes to the Senate floor. If you're in or near Washington D.C., show up to physically oppose the measure.
Let Washington know how you feel about the health care proposal, because it will affect millions of Americans' access to affordable health care.

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