Celebrities React To The Vote To Repeal & Replace Obamacare

Photo: Tyler Boye/WWD/REX/Shutterstock
On May 4, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to pass the Republican health care bill that would repeal and replace many parts of the Affordable Care Act. Donald Trump had long hoped to put an end to the ACA — colloquially referred to as "Obamacare" — and the House vote puts the current POTUS one step closer to ending the act that gave coverage to 6.1 million uninsured adults.
While the bill still needs approval from the Senate in order to make the POTUS' vision of healthcare a reality, many are outraged by the replacement policy, under which insurers will be able to charge those with pre-existing conditions far higher rates. Women, in particular, appear to be targeted by the bill. Under the Republican health plan, these "pre-existing conditions" could include being a survivor of sexual assault or domestic abuse. The same goes for mothers who have received C-sections.
Meanwhile, the new healthcare plan will also block federal payments to Planned Parenthood for a year, further denying women access to affordable care.
It didn't take long for celebrities to express their feelings about the vote. Here are the stars who raised their voices in the healthcare debate:

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