Which Identical Selfie Of Justin Bieber Are You?

If you, like me, ever worry that you post too many photos of yourself on Instagram, know you'll never post more than Justin Bieber, who recently uploaded eight identical selfies. Well, there are minor differences in the snaps — the singer has tweaked the filter or changed the way it's cropped — but they're all the same original photo. To make things more confusing, Bieber hasn't included any captions with the pictures, and almost immediately went back to posting like normal as if the outburst never happened.
But fans noticed, and they took to commenting on the pictures in hopes of receiving an explanation for the sudden influx of his face.
"What is he doing wtf," wrote one.
"Something tells me he already posted this but u know it's prolly just deja vu," another joked.
Then, my personal favorite, "JUST STIOOIOOOOP."
Some commenters are wondering if the Biebs got hacked, but to me it just seems like the somewhat eccentric star is up to his same-old antics. I mean, immediately following the spree he posted an even harder to explain video of himself dancing, chopped up and edited in a way that will definitely give you a headache.
But back to the pictures. What are they? Why are they? And, most importantly, which one are you? There's a Bieber selfie out there for all of us, and ahead I've broken down each one. Go forth and, as the internet says, tag yourself.

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