Obama & Biden Are Still The Best Of Friends

Photo: SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images.
Obiden super fans, we've got amazing news for you. If, like us, you were a bit scared distance would put a damper on President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden's epic bromance, it's time to cast those fears aside. The iconic duo is still the best of friends, even if they aren't working together anymore. Cue the happy tears.
"The bromance continues. It’s not ended," Anita Decker Breckenridge, Obama’s former chief of staff, told People. "That’s one of the things I would say, you know… What does he miss about the White House? I mean, they had lunch every single week for eight years."
(Let's pause for a second here to imagine these two having lunch together every single week for eight years. That's at least 416 lunches, aka 416 opportunities for Biden to convince Obama to have ice cream for dessert. Moving on.)
According to Breckenridge, Obama and Biden have met up and still talk. Which, we've got to admit, is the type of news that brings joy to our hearts.
In fact, the first time the friends reunited after President Trump took office was when Biden visited the Obamas' new offices in Washington, D.C. According to People, the #officewarming was pretty low-key; there were just a couple of cheese platters bought at the grocery store and some bottles of wine on a folding table.
"The vice president walked in and he and President Obama embraced and then immediately clicked back into the relationship they had working together," former White House press aide Peter Velz told People. "It was really nice to see, just how warm the vice president’s reception was."
Ugh, that's the sweetest thing we've read today. Long live Obiden! There's no White House bromance more iconic than this.

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