Raven Gates From The Bachelor Is Proud Of Her Breast Augmentation

Photo: Mitch Haaseth/ABC.
Raven Gates, who once competed to win the affection of Nick Viall on The Bachelor, is proud of her boob job. The Arkansas native recently tweeted a screenshot of an email asking whether or not she'd had a breast augmentation.
"We have doctors who believe [Raven Gates] had a breast augmentation," the email reads. (The email is presumably addressed to representation for Gates. )
Doctors, schmoctors. Who needs an expert opinion when you've got confirmation straight from the source? With the screenshot, Gates included a gleeful answer: Yes, she's had a boob job. Five years ago.
"Yes I did!!! 5 YEARS AGO!! And I'm proud of it," the boutique owner wrote.
Alas, this is probably not the answer the publication was looking for. It's been rumored that Raven Gates will appear on ABC's Bachelor spin-off Bachelor in Paradise this summer, and it's not unheard of for contestants to undergo some changes before appearing on the show. (Contestant Jillian Anderson actually discussed her pre-paradise augmentation in a segment for the show.) Were Gates to have had a recent surgery, the publication could run a story pegged to the upcoming reality show.
Still, it's nice to see Gates being so candid about plastic surgery. As my colleague Alix Tunell pointed out in January, contestants are becoming increasingly frank about previously taboo subjects on the series, like cosmetic surgeries and — gasp! — orgasms. During Viall's season, contestant Alexis Waters held a "birthday party" for her newly augmented bosom. The inimitable Corinne Olympios hasn't had a boob job, but admitted on the same season that she's interested in a "tiny" one. Discussing these types of cosmetic changes is still largely considered taboo, although it's thankfully becoming less so. Do what you will with your bodies, ladies.
As for Gates, we are 99% positive that she will appear on Bachelor in Paradise this summer. Her Twitter bio reads, simply, "See you in Paradise." Another rumored contestant, Luke Pell, who appeared on season 12 of The Bachelorette, has already expressed interest in her. Now, that's the kind of drama we're interested in.
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