Donald Trump Blocks Jimmy Kimmel Writer On Twitter

Conservatives absolutely love to mock liberals with the insult "snowflake!" But it's pretty hard to take that name-calling seriously when our tweeter-in-chief has notoriously thin skin. Case in point: Donald Trump blocked Jimmy Kimmel Live writer Bess Kalb on Twitter after she made a series of hilarious jokes at his expense.
Upon Trump's return from his first overseas trip as president, he wasted no time launching a barrage of Twitter attacks on "fake news." The president also took the time to congratulate Greg Gianforte, the Montana Republican who won a special election just one day after being charged with assaulting a reporter.
“Oh boy, honey. I’ve tried to lay off and let you be President like you said you would, but this is a new kind of simplistic rhetoric," Kalb tweeted in response. “I know you’re trying to pivot away from how embarrassing the big trip was for all of us to watch (Pushing! Pope! Saudi bowling!) but….this? Honestly, hun, this is all so far over your head. If you need to have another ‘bone spur’ and let Mike take over, no one will blame you.”
Trump was apparently so #triggered by these truth bombs that he blocked Kalb on the social media platform.
“Today our president took more time to address a girl making fun of him on Twitter than the domestic terrorist who fatally stabbed 2 heroes,” Kalb added, referencing Trump's shameful silence regarding the murders of two Portland men who intervened during a verbal assault on two Muslim women.
Kalb also took to Instagram to issue an "official press statement."
"No mother should have to explain the President blocking her to her garbage sons," she declared, referencing her two cats, Teddy and Al.

No mother should have to explain the President blocking her to her garbage sons.

A post shared by Bess Kalb (@bessbessbell) on

For their part, Teddy and Al seemed unconcerned and ignored Kalb entirely. “Ok, fuck you guys too," she concluded, after her account of being blocked by the prez fell on deaf ears.
Thank goodness she has a thicker skin that Trump — otherwise this would have been a seriously rough Memorial Day Weekend for Kalb.

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