This Is Why Lush Employees Went Naked To Work Today

Update: They weren't kidding! Lush shared a smily snap of some of its (consenting) employees in all their glory to Instagram today. Now that's commitment to a cause.
This story was originally published on May 30, 2017.
It’s one of the most commonly-occurring nightmares in the modern psyche: You head to an important interview or presentation, or even just a regular day at work, only to find that… you’re naked. Like, completely bare-ass naked, for all the world to see. Fortunately, that dream always ends with waking up in a cold sweat, relieved to discover that it was all just in your head.
Well, almost always — because for some brave Lush Cosmetics employees, that nightmare will become reality tomorrow, when they go nude in New York City to promote over-packaging awareness. Starting at noon sharp, they’ll be gathering at two particularly busy intersections — West 34th Street between 5th and 6th and Lexington Ave. at the corner of 61st Street — with nothing but their black aprons to shield them from both prying eyes and inclement weather.
The stripped-down stunt is part of a nationwide campaign that Lush is kicking off to educate the public about how much waste and pollution is generated by excess product packaging. According to a press release from the brand, there are almost 300,000 tons of floating debris from plastic packaging in the world’s oceans, and packaging contributes to 80% of litter collected from beaches during organized cleanups.
“Most of the plastic that has ever been produced still exists today, which is why it’s high time for businesses across all industries to take responsibility and present new generations of consumers with eco-friendly alternatives,” said Brandi Halls, Director of Brand Communications for Lush. The company is doing its part by creating products that are packaging-free whenever possible. From body butters to shampoo bars and shower jellies to scrubs, over 35% of its products are unpackaged — or naked, much like those select employees will be tomorrow.
“As a company, we tend to go all the way for causes we believe in,” Halls said. “If flashing our bums inspires consumers and industry to reconsider their packaging practices, then we’d say it’s definitely worth a few blushes.” Hopefully the weather will comply — because the only thing worse than standing outside naked with your coworkers is standing outside naked with your coworkers in the rain.

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