This Man Mowing His Lawn During A Tornado Is The Perfect Metaphor For 2017

Photo: Getty Images.
Mowing the lawn is usually pretty mundane, but one Canadian man's photo quickly went viral because of what was happening around him as he cut the grass. Theunis Wessels' wife posted a pic on Facebook of him guiding a push mower around their backyard as a massive tornado swirled in the background. Casual.
“I literally took the picture to show my mum and dad in South Africa, ‘Look there's a tornado,’ and now everyone is like, ‘Why is your husband mowing the lawn?’” his wife, Cecilia Wessels, told The Times Colonist.
The funniest part, though, was that Theunis told The Times Colonist he was "keeping an eye on it," while the photo clearly shows him with his back to the storm.
The photo is an apt metaphor for 2017 — the world may be a mess, but sometimes you have to get shit done while "keeping an eye" on world affairs. The world keeps spinning, as they say.
Proving how unfazed he was by the destructive vortex, Theunis told The Times Colonist, "It looks much closer if you look in the photo, but it was really far away. Well, not really far, far away, but it was far away from us."
His wife was taking a nap at the time, but was woken up by their 9-year-old daughter after she couldn't get her dad to come inside. "My daughter came out and [said], 'Dad. Dad, you have to come in,'" Theunis told CTV News. Cecilia then came outside and took the striking photo.
According to The Times Colonist, there were no reported injuries from the tornado, but some trees in its path were torn down.
People on Twitter were quick to point out that mowing the lawn during a natural disaster is such Dad™ behavior.
The photo inevitably became a meme, because that's just what happens these days.
And in case you were wondering, Theunis finished mowing the lawn before heading inside.

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