Vivienne Westwood Does Not Want You To Buy Fast Fashion

Vivienne Westwood is no stranger to making a bold statement. After all, it was her punk-meets-chic designs and attitude that threw the fashion world for a loop and made her one of the most sought-after designers for models and celebrities.
And who wouldn't want to work with her? Over the years, Westwood has revolutionized the industry by starting conversations about fashion's impact on the environment and by challenging gender norms by throwing co-ed fashion shows. Here's just one example of Westwood using her public platform to fight against ecocide:
Though she's never been shy about sharing her beliefs, her latest comments on the harmfulness of rampant consumerism, especially when it comes to fashion, seemed to shock even her staunchest supporters.
While speaking at Zaladno's Bread & Butter preview, Westwood offered the crowd of haute couture aficionados some surprising advice, according to InStyle.
"Don't buy anything," she told a stunned crowd.
Wait, did one of the most renowned fashion designers just tell people to put down their credit cards and not purchase a single thing? Yes, but with good reason.
As InStyle points out, Westwood has long been known for saying, "Buy less, choose better, and make it last." Now, it appears she's ready to take things to the next level.
"If you want to be bold, you have to make a choice," she told her audience. "And at least 50 percent of the people in the world have never made a choice or decision in their lives. They just follow their desire and consume: opinions, McDonald's, whatever."
Sadly, the "whatever" seems to include that totally cute, yet super pair of platforms that you'll only wear three times. But hear Westwood out!
"Buying less and choosing quality means that designers can make better fashion, not just lead by marketing and commercial interests," she said. "Fashion is part of culture, but not at the moment."
Westwood's comments come at an important time. Not only is fast fashion changing the way shoppers think (and therefore changing popular culture), it's also hurting people and the environment by paying horribly low wages, fostering child labor, expelling massive amounts of energy, relying on crude oil, and releasing harsh chemicals and pollutants from factories.
So, though Westwood's call to ditch that summer sale might sound extreme, it's certainly not as bad as the possible consequences.

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