Trader Joe's Just Released A New Seasoning That Is So Versatile

Photographed by Alexandra Gavillet.
When it comes to cooking and snacking, it’s easy to get stuck in a rut. During the workweek, many of us default to the same staples, and while we love how reliable those dishes are, every so often, when we pull out the ingredients to throw those meals together, everything starts to seem oh-so bland. Thankfully, next time we find ourselves bored of baking that same old chicken breast, Trader Joe’s has something that will help. The grocery chain recently released a new seasoning called Onion Salt, and it can go on just about anything.
Though Onion Salt has not been officially announced on TJ's new product webpage, according to PopSugar and numerous Instagram posts, it has already hit shelves in several store locations. Instagram images of the Onion Salt bottle show that there isn't just one type of onion inside. The label reads, "A savory Allium blend with a touch of salt," and the ingredients listed on the back include granulated onion, granulated garlic, minced onion, kosher salt, green onion, and dried chives.
Simply reading the list of ingredients packed inside each glass bottle is enough to have our gears spinning about the many different dishes we could elevate with a dust of this stuff. For even more inspiration, however, we can look to Instagram. Though the seasoning is quite new, many users have already posted about the snacks and meals they're bringing to life with Trader Joe's new Onion Salt. A user named traderjoesinsider wrote: "mixed with sour cream for the perfect dip." Traderjoes.bakersfield posted a photo of the Onion Salt and explained in the caption that they would be using it along with a dash of lemon zest to season their chicken for dinner. Others suggest sprinkling it over some popcorn for a satisfying snack or on a plate of fluffy scrambled eggs to get a flavorful start to your day. The possibilities seem nearly endless, and that means no more bland, boring staples for every weekday meal.

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