Ryan Seacrest Almost Signed On To The American Idol Reboot

Ryan Seacrest, a man so busy and in-demand I'm not convinced he's actually human, reportedly told The Hollywood Reporter that he considered signing a contract for the American Idol reboot before he became Kelly Ripa's right-hand man on LIVE with Kelly and Ryan.
"I've always loved [American Idol]," Seacrest told THR of the show that launched his career. "And if I could do it forever, I would do it forever."
Of course, that's not entirely true, since he ultimately turned it down — partially because of "a lowball offer," according to Us Weekly.
"Who am I if not the American Idol guy," Seacrest added. "I had so many walls up in my own head about my life in Los Angeles and my role in Los Angeles."
Now Seacrest lives in a different, bigger concrete jungle — NYC — to fulfill his role as a morning talk show host. But before he left, US Weekly reports he allegedly had a heart-to-heart with Katy Perry and "encouraged her" to sign onto the show and collect her $25 million.
However, THR reports that Seacrest shouldn't get too cozy in his NYC digs just yet. Apparently, American Idol execs are still pursuing options to get America's Golden Boy back on board.
"We want Ryan to be a master of all things live for us in the way that Regis Philbin was for many years here."
He is only one man, ABC!
But for Seacrest, it's not the fact there are only 24 hours in one day that prevents him from taking on even more projects; it's about finding what best fits his skillset.
"I've figured out what I'm better at and what I'm not so good at, and I'm doing the things that I'm better at," he told THR. "The things that I'm not so good at would make me tired and would make me want to slow down."
God forbid he take a break!

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