Bill Cosby Will Now Teach People About Sexual Assault, According To Spokesperson

Photo: Matt Slocum/AP Images.
On June 17, the Bill Cosby sexual assault case was declared a mistrial. And now, less than a week after the jury's decision, the former actor's spokespeople are sharing an alarming and baffling update about the accused 79-year-old. Apparently, he wants to "get back to work." And you'll be floored by what he wants to do.
According to an interview with "Good Morning Alabama", a local news show, Cosby will be holding a town hall in Alabama "sometime in July" to teach the youth how to avoid sexual assault charges. Yes, that's correct — it will be a town hall on how t0 avoid being accused of sexual assault. Based on the statements said by his representatives, Cosby is using an array of victim-blaming language to advise young men on how to not be accused of sexual assault.
Before we get into the details of this preposterous event, can we address the obvious? The key word is: accused. How about you never let it go that far? How about you teach people how to respect a woman/ man/ person? Teach them about consent? Teach them the basic laws of humanity, and thus never having to be accused of drugging and assaulting a woman unable to consent? Just an idea.
Now, back to the Twilight Zone: The goal for the potential teaching tour is to have the former comedian educate young people. "We are now planning town halls, and we'll be coming to this city sometime in July. We want to talk to young people, because this is bigger than Bill Cosby," said Andrew Wyatt, one of the two spokespeople being interviewed. "This issue could affect any young person, especially young athletes of today and they need to know what they’re facing when they’re hanging out and partying, when they’re doing certain things they shouldn’t be doing. And it also affects married men."
The other rep, Ebonee Benson, who also read Camille Cosby's heated statement after the trial on June 17, added that the statute of limitations for victims to report a sexual assault is changing, giving them more time to get reach out to officials and report a crime and violation.
“Laws are changing,” Benson said. “The statute of limitations for victims of sexual assault are being extended so this is why people need to educated on a brush against the shoulder, you know, anything at this point can be considered sexual assault and it’s a good thing to be educated about the laws.”
While it is absolutely true that it is good to be educated about the laws, the very idea of this man, who has been accused of sexual assault by dozens of women at various times in his life, should be a voice of wisdom and guidance for a crowd of young people seems like a sick joke.
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