The Perfect Date Night (Or Netflix & Chill) Movies

We all want to spend every Friday date night traipsing around the city in search of a new adventure. We want to wine, dine, and swashbuckle our way into someone's heart. Yet sometimes, amidst the chaos of adulthood, there's not enough time in the day to prepare for a world-class date night. When you have places to go, people to see, and worlds to save, it's easy to let Friday nights sneak up on you.
Save the coq au vin and ambitious intentions for when you have more energy. While elaborate acts of wooing are all fine and good, sometimes, the best way to connect with someone is cuddled on the couch. Movies are a perfectly fine way to unwind and start conversations.
So, submit to the temptation of Netflix and Chill. For a date night on demand, stream these movies or seek them out in theaters.

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