Trump Attacks NBC For "Hate" & Lashes Out At Morning Joe Hosts Again

Photo: Teresa Kroeger/Getty Images.
Donald Trump is at it again. Mere days ago, the President of the United States, sent out two petty and uncalled for tweets that had the media and fellow politicians shaking their heads.
This new low began on June 29 when Trump personally insulted the co-hosts of MSNBC's Morning Joe, by calling Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, "psycho" and "low I.Q. crazy," respectively.
Politicians of all parties were quick to denounce his behavior as unacceptable. When House Speaker Paul Ryan was asked about the tweets in a news conference, he said, "Obviously I don't see that as an appropriate comment." Many lawmakers' responses demanded better from the President. "Please just stop. This isn't normal and it's beneath the dignity of your office," tweeted GOP Senator Ben Sasse shortly after the incident. Lisa Murkowski, Republican Senator of Alaska, tweeted an apt question directly to Trump asking, "do you want to be remembered for your tweets or your accomplishments?"
Mika Brzezinski along with her fiancé and co-host Joe Scarborough wrote an op-ed in The Washington Post in response to the venomous insults. "America’s leaders and allies are asking themselves yet again whether this man is fit to be president. We have our doubts, but we are both certain that the man is not mentally equipped to continue watching our show."
With many a reprimand made, you would think Trump would at least wait a little while before going after the Morning Joe hosts again. Wrong. This morning, he continued his Twitter tirade, adding CNN and NBC to his list of targets.
Doubling down on his childish insults, the President vindictively called the co-hosts "crazy" and "dumb as a rock." He then moved on to CNN followed by NBC. Specifically, he called out NBC for allegedly firing Greta Van Susteren because "she refused to go along w/ 'Trump Hate!'" Donald Trump making unproven claims of "fake news" is nothing new. For a while now, he has been unable to hide his disdain of CNN and any network that offers a critique of his behavior. Trump has an established track record of hateful speech directed at female journalists especially.
During their show, Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski discussed the first two tweets. "I'm fine," Brzezinski said on air. "My family brought me up really tough. This is absolutely nothing for me personally. But I am very concerned about what this once again reveals about the president of the United States. It’s strange," she said, before adding, "It does worry me about the country."

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