This Girl's Summer Goals List Went Viral & It's Honestly The Best

Photographed by Natalia Mantini.
Are you sitting down? We need to discuss the latest golden viral find on Twitter, which is so wholesome and pure that it fills my heart with delight. A girl's summer 2017 bucket list has gone viral after Twitter user @scorpiosars found it in an Urban Outfitters dressing room and posted it online. It's everything a babe could want in her quest to live her absolute best life.
There are so many things to love here. First of all, I'm struck by her specificity — she wants to give two blowjobs, take eight "hoe" pics for Instagram, buy seven bikinis, and get crossfaded (drunk and stoned at the same time) 17 times. She also has some very doable goals: a mani/pedi, binge on a new Netflix show, and go to a party.
Some of them are hilariously less achievable, like have an "artsy" July 4th and petting a giraffe. Realistically, she should not probably pet a giraffe, because they are wild animals in a zoo. Her ambition is truly admirable, though. As for the #summergoals she's checked off so far, she's already decorated her room and get a "little" tan. She also apparently gotten "drunk all the time," which doesn't make sense because it's only July; there are still weeks left for her to get drunk "all the time." Most of all, I'm hoping she has (safe!) sex and gets a boob hickey because everyone deserves the sexytime they want.
Courtesy of @scoriposars.
Nothing is known about the author of this sacred text, just that it was discovered in an Urban Outfitters dressing room. I'm presuming she is a girl based on her bubbly handwriting. I'm also presuming she's a Leo, because us Leos enjoy living out loud, and she wants to have a "super wild" birthday. With just a few months left of summer, there's still time for her to check off as many boxes as she can. Too bad she didn't include "go viral" on her list.
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