This Woman Dressed As An Unsolicited Dick Pic & The Internet Is Freaking Out

Are you already looking for your next Halloween costume? Perhaps try one with a feminist message, so you can tell the patriarchy to go shove it while partying and eating candy corn all night long. Maybe we suggest an unsolicited dick pic? It was a hit for Amy.
Yesterday, Australian writer Clementine Ford tweeted a picture of her friend Amy dressed as the uncalled for, disembodied junk way too many women have had to suffer seeing on our phones. The perfectly executed costume featured a slightly curved tip/hat and an all-too-real, probably because it was, text convo (sample line: "fancy a fuck?").
Internet responses were mixed, but thankfully many people recognized the creativity and brilliant social commentary of the costume.
Last year, we investigated why unsolicited-dick-pic senders do what they do when it makes so many women feel, as one put it, "visually assaulted." Some of the men said they actually think it's thoughtful: "I would be over the moon if some woman sent me a picture of any nudity whatsoever, so I assume that women feel the same way," said one. Others send them to get pics in return.
A few know it's harassment but do it anyway because it makes them feel powerful. "I used to send dick pics to basically anyone who would have them… It's definitely an expression of power in some sense. It's the epitome of your masculinity; it's what makes you a man — what good am I but it?" said another man. Still for others, it's a way to lash out at women who reject them on dating sites. No matter the reason, this woman's take on it is very welcome.

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