Eric Bigger Tells R29 His Thoughts On Being The Next Bachelor

Photo: Courtesy of ABC.
After Rachel Lindsay's tumultuous season of The Bachelorette and the controversy that stalled production for over a week, Bachelor In Paradise has been highly anticipated by fans. But even though the first two episodes premiered this week, there's one member of Bachelor Nation who just isn't tuning in.
Lindsay's second runner-up, Eric Bigger, confessed to Refinery29's own Khalea Underwood that he isn't watching the hit spin-off. At least, he isn't watching it right now.
"I’ve been busy," he explained. "I’ve recorded the episodes and I’ll go back and watch them. I haven’t watched them yet but I’ll check them out. I have a lot of friends on there, so I have to watch my boys do their thing."
He continued: "Matt, Adam, Dean, Deanie Baby, Diggy, all those guys are great so I just want to see how they interact with women outside of our season. I feel like Adam might have a lot of momentum on this whole ordeal, so we’ll see."
The men from Rachel's season of The Bachelorette have such fun bromances on BiP that it's no wonder Bigger has love for them from the outside. Watching the summer show might not be Bigger's idea of a good time, but it's cool of him to support his friends. As for Adam Gottschalk, it seems like he hasn't hit it off with one special person yet. With Adam Jr. out of the picture, however, it should be easier for him to find love.
As for Bigger, his success (so to speak) on The Bachelorette made a stint on Bachelor in Paradise impossible. That doesn't mean The Bachelor position isn't up for grabs.
"I’m open to it and I would consider it," he said. "I feel like if it’s meant to be it will be. I’m open to it if it’s my time. Time tell all."
ABC isn't offering any hints as to who the next Bachelor will be, but fans have been vocal about their preferences. Whether you're #TeamPeter, #TeamEric, or, my personal favorite, #TeamWells, the next season of the dating show is bound to be exciting.
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