What Are The Odds That Wells Adams Will Be The Next Bachelor?

Photo: Paul Archuleta/FilmMagic.
Will Wells Adams be the next Bachelor? There's certainly an upswell of online support for the Nashville-based DJ, but he doesn't sound too keen on the idea.
"I actually texted you the other day, saying 'Hey man, your name keeps getting brought up to be the next Bachelor. If you were asked, Wells, would you do it?" Higgins prompted Adams on this week's episode of the Almost Famous podcast with Ben Higgins and Ashley I.
"I don’t know. That’s a conversation that I’d have to have with like, my family," Adams responded. "That's not something that I take lightly."
Adams grew more hesitant as the interview went on, it seemed. He continued, "I don't know if I would do that, to be honest with you. I think it might be nice to be asked to the prom, but I don't think I'd go."
(This raises the question: Did Wells Adams eschew prom? Was he too cool for high school prom?)
Adams is a very involved member of Bachelor Nation; though he's not competing on this season of Bachelor In Paradise, he's tending bar for the contestants, which is just as important a role. As bartender, Adams says he is first a counselor for his fellow castmates, second a mixologist, and third a sunscreen-applier. However, certain contestants seem interested in Adams; Amanda Stanton said on the premiere that she was disappointed he wouldn't be "dating" any of the contestants. Adams attributes this sentiment to the "forbidden fruit" phenomenon.
"There's 15 of the most beautiful women in the world walking around [Paradise] who haven't been told 'no' since high school, right? And then all of a sudden I show up, and I'm like, 'The one rule is we can't ever go on a date!''' he explained. "And I think that kinda messed with those girls' heads."
So, the Bachelor probably won't be Wells Adams. As per Mike Fleiss, the executive producer of the series, Peter Kraus probably won't take the role either. Dean Unglert said he's not "ready" to be the Bachelor. Eric Bigger seems semi-down to do it — by process of elimination, it would seem he's the guy for the role.
But Adams is protesting an awful lot, don't you think? Makes you wonder...
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