This Site Is Paying People To Hunt Down Cheap Airfare

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Think you're particularly travel-savvy? Maybe you're the person your besties come to for airfare advice? Well, then your quick fingers and Google Travel know-how could be making you money. Because according to Travel + Leisure, a new site is letting travel-booking pros pocket some extra cash by finding flights for other people.
Farefetch works in two ways: For the weary traveler, it lets anyone looking to book a trip to input all of their parameters. That way, they don't have to scour through endless listings to find the best deal.
Instead, Farefetch lets knowledgeable travelers find the low prices. The draw comes when a flight costs less than what the original offer lists. In that case, the person fetching the fare gets to keep any leftover cash. It's a huge game, since the first person to post the trip to the original poster gets to claim the spoils. For instance, if someone is looking for a flight from L.A. to NYC, is willing to pay $300, and the actual fare is only $277, the fetcher gets to keep the $23. It may not be enough to drop your 9-to-5, but it's not insignificant if you know your way around travel sites.
When a fare meeting all of the poster's requirements is found and everyone agrees to the terms, the fetcher can either book the flight themselves and get paid within 48 hours or pass on the booking instructions to the poster and get paid within a week.
T+L notes that there are some drawbacks to the service. For one, there are no refunds, period. That means that anything found with low-cost airfare, which often comes with a cancellation fee or even a fee to change flights, can't be altered. Plus, things like baggage and meals may not be included either, so anyone looking for tickets should be very clear about what their needs are up front.
Think you've got what it takes? Farefetch is looking for fetchers right now. All those hours logged on Southwest and JetBlue are about to pay off.
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