White Walkers Have Feelings, Too, According To This GOT Actor

Photo: Courtesy of HBO.
While there are many sides to take in Game Of Thrones, there's definitely one that nobody is rooting for: the White Walkers. These other-worldly creatures have been a menace since before the series began, but John Bradley-West, who plays Samwell Tarly on the HBO series, wants us to reconsider. In an interview with the New York Times, the actor reminded everyone that the White Walkers have their own motives for their reign of destruction, even if we don't know or understand them, and that's what makes the series so compelling.
"Are they just on a quest to wipe out the people of the Seven Kingdoms? That’s possible," Bradley-West concedes. "But if that’s the case, that shows that they are completely devoid of emotion. They’re completely devoid of humanity. They’re not going to be appeased. There’s nothing they can possibly want, other than our death, and then that’s the end of it."
He thinks it's far more likely there's a whole side of the White Walkers we just haven't learned about yet — but hopefully will soon.
"If the White Walkers are human beings of a sort, then they do want something," he continues. "They are fighting with a moral compass that just might be slightly different than ours. It’s not that they don’t have morality, it just might be different than ours. Their priorities are different. So if they are people with morals, and heart, and families and causes to fight for, other than a nihilistic destruction of everything that’s been in the world, then that’s a different prospect."
Petition for a White Walker spinoff after the next and final season comes to a close? We're not ready to say goodbye, even to the villains.

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