We Know Exactly What Jon Snow Smells Like — & It's Not Good

Photo: Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images.
Jaime Lannister’s blurred line between good and evil is weirdly sexy. Ser Jorah only gets better with age (especially now that that whole greyscale situation has cleared up). Hell, even Euron Greyjoy has his own animalistic charms. But even with major competition there's no denying that Jon Snow is the reigning heartthrob of Game of Thrones.
Sure, reports of his allegedly tiny penis may be a particularly unfortunate part of the show's lore (this rumor comes courtesy of the show's showrunners, for the record), but with his dark, floppy curls and trademark emotional anguish, the male Targaryen heir remains a fan favorite. But perhaps that's just because we can't smell him through the TV.
While talking to The Cut about the new Dolce & Gabbana The One fragrance he's the face of, actor Kit Harington blew up his beloved character's spot when asked point blank about eau de King in the North. "I can tell you exactly what Jon Snow smells like," Harington said. "He smells like wood smoke, wet dog, and meat that’s gone off.” Not exactly the wintry, smoldering Tom Ford Vert des Bois we once imagined the members of the Night’s Watch would gravitate toward.
But lest you believe Snow is not only the handsomest, but also the worst-smelling man in all of the Seven Kingdoms, Harington was quick to pass the blame off to his fellow Westerosi as well. "Most of them actually do smell pretty bad," he said of his cast members. "Sophie Turner's pong is a bit [bad]." (Pong is British slang for a bad smell, for those not from the UK.)
Lesson learned: Jon Snow might be on a mission to save the world from White Walkers, but he'll also be the first one to throw you under the bus — or, rather, the ice dragon — when someone asks where that smell is coming from.

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