Oreos & Peanut Butter? Here's The Story Behind That Iconic Parent Trap Food Combo

Photo: Everett Collection.
In 1998, director and writer Nancy Meyers introduced us to an instant classic, a movie that almost 20 years later still manages to make us feel good even on the gloomiest Sundays of adulthood. We’re of course talking about The Parent Trap. With this film, Meyers did more than just create a story that would become a permanent fixture in our DVD collection, despite being about a couple of 11-year-olds, she also introduced us to an iconic snack combination that has stood the test of time, Oreos and peanut butter.
If you're a 90s kid, you can probably quote this entire scene, but just in case, here's a quick recap. When Hallie Parker and Annie James find themselves forced to stay together in the "isolation cabin"at Camp Walden after a series of pranks that go just a little bit too far, they finally begin to bond over a shared love of eating Oreos smeared in peanut butter. The unlikely food combination leads them to unearth a few other random things they have in common, and they soon realize they're long-lost twins, which set the movie's plot into motion.
After seeing the film for the very first time, many of us went straight home to see what peanut butter and Oreos tasted like, and for some of us, it became a favorite treat from that day forward. However, we had never really thought about where the wacky yet delicious combo had come from. Well, someone finally asked Nancy Meyers, and it seems she isn't even sure.
In a recent interview Meyers told HelloGiggles, "I forgot I even wrote that. I have no idea [where I came up with it]. I think it was just something weird that both girls would like. It was another example of the fact that they’re twins. I just made up [peanut butter and Oreos] for no reason other than it sounded weird and some cute kid would do it." That's so like Nancy, influencing an entire generation of snackers without even realizing it. What a queen.
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