Shailene Woodley's Red Carpet Beauty Secret Is SO Shailene Woodley

Photo: Invision/AP/REX/Shutterstock.
It's no secret that celebrities have the best beauty secrets, right? Well, sort of. While we will always scour their Instagram posts for drugstore finds and backstage prep that involves a lot of sheet masks, let's be real, sometimes their effortless hacks seem a little far-fetched — even by Hollywood standards.
Naturally, Shailene Woodley just offered up another at this year's 69th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards — and it's the most Shailene Woodley thing ever.
While walking the red carpet and chatting with reporters up and down the press line, Woodley stopped to answer one classic question: "What's your favorite beauty product?" Do you think she named her favorite shade of lipstick? Gave a shout-out to coconut oil? Of course she didn't. "Just happiness, man!" Woodley replied.
We know the Big Little Lies actress has the most granola beauty routine in the business — and we love her for that. But besides eating clay or sunning her vagina, this has got to be the chillest answer of all time to the age-old, red carpet question. And hey, she's not wrong — a blast of serotonin never hurt anyone. Maybe we, too, should ditch our TVs like she already has... but then how would we hear her epic soundbites?
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