Ellen & Oprah Tried Cooking Dinner Together & Things Got Weird

Update: Apparently, after Ellen and Oprah went grocery shopping earlier this week, the antics continued as the two traveled to a fellow shopper's home where they attempted to prepare a snack for the woman and her daughter. At first, Ellen and Oprah tried to simply lay out some grapes and Goldfish Crackers, but after Ellen ruins that idea by nearly throwing a bunch of grapes into a boiling pot of water, Oprah steps in and heats up some of her new O, That's Good packaged comfort food dishes for her new friends to try. Take a look:
This story was originally published on October 5, 2017.
Ellen DeGeneres and Oprah Winfrey walk into a grocery store...No, this isn't the start of a bad joke — this actually happened. On Tuesday October 4th, The Ellen Show debuted its newest celeb skit titled, "Ellen & Oprah Take Over a Grocery Store Part 1" in which the powerhouse talkshow hosts teamed up and took on the aisles of a customer-filled, local supermarket. The real kicker? According to Degeneres and Winfrey, this was the first time the two had actually grocery shopped IRL, in years. And if we've learned anything from DeGeneres' past star shopping excursions, we knew that we were in store for absolute and utter hilarity.
DeGeneres kicks off the trip by whipping out two Louis Vuitton luggage bags with the pragmatic statement to Oprah, "You know you have to bring your own bags, because of recycling." From there Ellen's circus only continues and Oprah's just along for the ride. DeGeneres has Winfrey pose for a honeydew melon boob pic, pick out produce, and stand by as she shouts to the other shoppers, "Oprah's touched all the peaches, everybody! Whoever wants a peach, Oprah's touched them!" We certainly want one of those peaches. At one point Ellen even gets a hold of the loudspeaker and announces to the store, "I need a dandruff shampoo for Oprah, if someone could tell me where the dandruff shampoo for Oprah is..." while Oprah giggles off to the side.
But it's not all kooky gags — the pair pause amidst their clowning to pass out and enjoy samples from Oprah's new food line "O, That's Good!" They also offer not only to pay for a fellow shopper's cart, but to accompany them home to cook the groceries, too. But before Oprah can safely escape the store without any further fooling, Ellen gives her a few final scares with some spooky Halloween merchandise and runs off with a wad of cash mid checkout to hand out to other customers.
Finally the pair make it through checkout and into the fellow shoppers' car for a drive off to dinner end shot complete with a "To Be Continued..." credit. All we can say is that we envy those unsuspecting customers — and that Ellen and Oprah, you both have an open-ended invitation to our houses for "Taco Tuesday" any day. Check out the full video, below.

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