How These Powerful Celebrities Are Condemning Harvey Weinstein

Photo: Robin Marchant/Getty Images/The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences.
In the past week, over a dozen serious allegations have been made against the film titan Harvey Weinstein. With each passing hour, more and more women have come forward revealing their own disturbing experiences with Weinstein. It started when The New York Times published a damning report about sexual harassment allegations against the former Weinstein Co. executive last Thursday, but worsened as three women have now accused him of rape. The New Yorker shared their stories in a powerful article written by Ronan Farrow published on Tuesday.
Since the news first broke, a number of powerful celebrities have used their platforms to speak out against the 65-year-old's alleged deplorable actions. Some, like Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie, have even shared stories of their own interactions with Weinstein; each ended with harassment claims. In addition to the brave testimonies from women who have had disturbing interactions with Weinstein, a growing number of A-listers are condemning his, and other men's, reprehensible behavior.
"We're at a point in time when women need to send a clear message that this is over," Paltrow told The New York Times. "This way of treating women ends now."
While many celebrities have stayed silent, others weren't afraid to speak their mind. Stars including George Clooney, Meryl Streep, Judi Dench, Emma Watson, Ben Affleck, and Hillary Clinton have also spoken out about the allegations. Keep reading to see what these celebrities have said about the news — we'll keep adding more slides as more stars contribute to the conversation.
If you have experienced sexual violence and are in need of crisis support, please call the RAINN Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-HOPE (4673).
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